Who I Can Help
Whatever your situation, however you’re feeling, I can support you through it…
I work with clients grappling with all manner of symptoms, thought-patterns, behaviours and stuck emotion. Below are some of the key areas I have expertise in.
Whatever you’re experiencing, I’m here to tell you it’s okay – how you feel is valid.
There are so many reasons you might feel the way you feel; so many root causes. Working together, it is possible to gently peel back the layers to uncover the core of the issue so that deep healing can arise. From this new place, the change you desire becomes natural and effortless.
Low mood, fear, anxiety, stress, depression, anger… I can help you manage and process your emotions in relation to both present and past events, giving way for something new, joyful even. Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by the strength of our emotions; other times we can feel numb. And that’s okay – how you feel is valid. Together we can work somatically, through the body, to physically process your emotional experience and create huge shifts in your emotional landscape.
Trauma & PTSD
From birth trauma, accidents and assaults, to early years trauma; distressing events can have a longer-term impact than we realise. Shame, hopelessness, a dysregulated nervous system (fight/flight/freeze), chronic ill-health, and a huge range of physical symptoms are just some of the things that can result in addition to the painful memories themselves. I can support you to overcome these emotional and physical symptoms, letting go of the past through a process of grief and healing.
Illness, Pain & Fatigue
Experiencing serious illness, or physical symptoms that are medically unexplained or previously untouched by treatment, can be scary at the best of times. I can help you cope with diagnoses (or a lack of diagnosis), and together we can explore our way towards any emotions which may be underpinning the illness, an often overlooked underlying root cause. The irony is, as we tune in to what is there, truly listen and accept our bodies as they are, that’s when things can start to change…
Grief, Bereavement & Loss
The nature of life is that at some point things change or come to an end. Relationships, jobs, identities… Everyone copes with grief differently. I am here to stand with you in your own unique experience of it, whether that be denial, anger, despair, or a mixture of many emotions… I will help you find a way through it all, emerging stronger, at peace, and feeling whole again.
Addictions & Unwanted Behaviour
Struggles with screen-time, food, drink, exercise, smoking… Most of us are addicted to something. From an early age we are already developing certain patterns of behaviour, habits and responses which can easily become ingrained. Working with the unconscious mind I can help you break free of these chains and regain control, choosing what you want instead.
Low Confidence & Self-Esteem
Whilst this often has roots in the past, I can give you tools and techniques to apply to help you feel better instantly in the now, while simultaneously working together to heal the roots of this issue and overcome it for good. I can guide you in the process of coming home to your body, finding a state of relaxation, and increasing your intuition and trust in self.
Low mood, fear, anxiety, stress, depression, anger… I can help you manage and process your emotions in relation to both present and past events, giving way for something new, joyful even. Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by the strength of our emotions; other times we can feel numb. And that’s okay – how you feel is valid. Together we can work somatically, through the body, to physically process your emotional experience and create huge shifts in your emotional landscape.
From birth trauma, accidents and assaults, to early years trauma; distressing events can have a longer-term impact than we realise. Shame, hopelessness, a dysregulated nervous system (fight/flight/freeze), chronic ill-health, and a huge range of physical symptoms are just some of the things that can result in addition to the painful memories themselves. I can support you to overcome these emotional and physical symptoms, letting go of the past through a process of grief and healing.
Experiencing serious illness, or physical symptoms that are medically unexplained or previously untouched by treatment, can be scary at the best of times. I can help you cope with diagnoses (or a lack of diagnosis), and together we can explore our way towards any emotions which may be underpinning the illness, an often overlooked underlying root cause. The irony is, as we tune in to what is there, truly listen and accept our bodies as they are, that’s when things can start to change…
The nature of life is that at some point things change or come to an end. Relationships, jobs, identities… Everyone copes with grief differently. I am here to stand with you in your own unique experience of it, whether that be denial, anger, despair, or a mixture of many emotions… I will help you find a way through it all, emerging stronger, at peace, and feeling whole again.
Struggles with screen-time, food, drink, exercise, smoking… Most of us are addicted to something. From an early age we are already developing certain patterns of behaviour, habits and responses which can easily become ingrained. Working with the unconscious mind I can help you break free of these chains and regain control, choosing what you want instead.
Whilst this often has roots in the past, I can give you tools and techniques to apply to help you feel better instantly in the now, while simultaneously working together to heal the roots of this issue and overcome it for good. I can guide you in the process of coming home to your body, finding a state of relaxation, and increasing your intuition and trust in self.
Business Coaching
Want to take your business from back-alley to beachfront?
Running a business comes with its weight of challenges, often unseen. As a business owner, navigating these hurdles can feel isolating and overwhelming. That’s where my therapeutic coaching approach comes in. Together, we unravel the mental blocks and emotional barriers hindering your business growth. We delve into the depths, addressing the stressors and pressures unique to entrepreneurship. Through this deep therapeutic work, you’ll discover newfound focus, energy, and clarity—a liberation from the weight that hampers your progress.