Laura Hunter Therapies

Trying to find the right mental health support can often leave you wondering whether therapy or counselling is the right choice for your needs. Understanding the distinct roles and benefits of each can help guide you to the appropriate support, ensuring you embark on a path that best suits your journey toward wellness. This blog delves into the definitions and differences between therapy and counselling, explores their applications, and provides guidance on choosing the right one for various scenarios for those seeking therapy in Cheltenham.

Defining Therapy and Counselling

The terms ‘therapy’ and ‘counselling’ are often used interchangeably, yet they encapsulate different approaches and techniques within the mental health field.

What is Counselling?

Counselling generally refers to a process that involves talking and discussing problems to provide emotional support. It tends to be more short-term and focuses on specific issues, helping clients navigate difficult situations and offering tools for managing personal and emotional challenges.

What is Therapy?

Therapy, especially within contexts like Cheltenham therapy practices, may involve deeper, more long-term treatment that addresses complex psychological issues. Therapists might employ a range of techniques, from psychoanalytic strategies to advanced methods like hypnosis, to delve into the subconscious and address the roots of emotional distress.

Applications and Techniques

Both counselling and therapy offer unique approaches and can be particularly effective depending on the individual’s situation and needs.

Counselling Techniques

Counselling sessions may involve mindfulness, guided conversations, and cognitive-behavioral techniques that help clients understand and manage their thoughts and emotions day-to-day.

Therapy Techniques

In therapy, particularly with practitioners like Laura Hunter in Cheltenham, techniques might include EFT, NLP, and other integrative methods that go beyond talk therapy to process underlying traumas and deeper psychological issues.

Choosing Between Counselling and Therapy

Understanding when to seek counselling versus therapy can influence the effectiveness of your mental health care.

When to Choose Counselling

Counselling might be the better option if you are beginning to explore your mental health, needing space to talk through new or emerging issues, or looking for support through a life transition that isn’t necessarily traumatic but still challenging.

When to Opt for Therapy

Therapy may be more suitable for dealing with long-standing psychological issues, complex trauma, or conditions that significantly impair your day-to-day functioning and where deeper, more transformative work is needed to facilitate healing and change.


Examining specific scenarios can help illustrate when one might choose counselling over therapy, and vice versa.

Scenario 1: Navigating Life Changes

Consider someone going through a career change or facing new parenting challenges. Counselling can provide the support and tools needed to adjust to these new life roles effectively.

Scenario 2: Deep-Seated Trauma

For someone dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic event or complex psychological issues, therapy led by someone like Laura Hunter, who is skilled in therapy techniques such as EFT and NLP, can offer a deeper exploration and healing process.

Choosing between therapy and counselling often comes down to understanding the depth of your needs and the type of intervention that will most effectively address them. Both have substantial roles in supporting mental health, but knowing which path aligns with your personal journey is crucial.

If you’re ready to start your journey, or want to find out more by speaking to your local online therapist, I welcome all enquiries. I work with those across Cheltenham and surrounding areas like: Beckford, Bredon, Grafton, Ashton under Hill, Ripple, Bridge End, Eldersfield, Longdon, Stratford, Sedgeberrow. Feel free to reach out today at 07360 497 077.

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